The responsible gamgling defines the company principles related with the responsability of Amz Digital on promoting healthy and fair gaming and gambling practises.
Gaming is able of providing people with a way to improve their social and emotional well-being, as it enriches their environment and provides benefits that affect their professional and personal relationships. It is not, therefore, a way to get rid of financial or emotional problems.
Most of the adult population enjoy the game in a safe, fun and controlled environment as one more element of their leisure activities. However, as stated by the World Health Organization (WHO), there is a minority of users who, due to various factors, have difficulties in interacting with gambling in a responsible way. Being aware that, behind the statistics, there are situations that affect human beings, it is essential for Amz Digital to support these people by promoting of a Responsible Gaming culture that encourages the proper use of this activity, and providing the necessary elements to detect and evaluate possible problems.